Ziheng Duan

Ziheng Duan

Ph.D. Student

University of California, Irvine


I am a third-year CS Ph.D. student at the University of California, Irvine, advised by Prof. Jing Zhang. Previously, I graduated from the College of Control Science and Technology, Zhejiang University. During my undergrad, I was fortunate to work with Prof. Xiaoqian Wang, Quanzheng Li, and Fei Wu. Now, I am interested in computational biology and machine learning.

Outside my research, I am also a bodybuilder, having competed in NPC men’s physique and been certified as a personal trainer by ACE.

Download my resumé.

  • Computational Biology
  • Machine Learning
  • BSc in Automation and Computer Science (Double Degree), 2020

    Zhejiang University

Publications & Preprints

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scENCORE: leveraging single-cell epigenetic data to predict chromatin conformation using graph embedding
iHerd: an integrative hierarchical graph representation learning framework to quantify network changes and prioritize risk genes in disease



Reader in ICS 178 Machine Learning and Data-Mining (Fall 2021), ICS 178 Machine Learning and Data-Mining (Winter 2021), ICS 6D Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (Spring 2022)

PC Member/Reviewer


Journal Reviewer (Selected)

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Information Science, Pattern Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge and Information Systems, Neurocomputing, IEEE Access, Supercomputing, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Gene, Heliyon
